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10 Benefits of Curcuma

CLASSIFICATION: Turmeric Curcuma longa Linn called. Or C. domestica Val. Belonging to the Zingiberaceae plant family. This plant is known by the name of the region kunyir, koneng friend, turmeric, cahang, hunik, kunyik, or kurlai. Tumeric foreign name. Simplicia name curcuma longae rhizoma.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: These herbs are extremely rich in chemical content, which is known to include: Azadirachtin, glyceride oils, acid-oksosiklopentanatolfuran dekahidrotetrametil asetiloksifuranil-Acetate - ketone; heksahidro-hidroksitetrametil-fenantenon (nimbol).

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9 Potions Overcome Hepatitis

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - If not resolved, inflammation of the liver which is popularly known as hepatitis can cause death. Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver tissue. The disease is better known as liver disease or jaundice. However, the term of this jaundice can cause confusion because not all of jaundice caused by liver inflammation.

Of the many factors, the virus that was ranked first as the cause of most disease hepatitis. Others may be caused by bacteria, parasites, drugs, chemicals that damage the liver, alcohol, worms, or too poor nutrition.

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Corn Fruit Benefits

Corn turned out to be processed for as a medicinal plant. Beside rich in nutrients and fiber, Corn young to have efficacy for treating kidney stones, gall, and high blood pressure.

Want to know how to process the corn into a potent and efficacious ingredients for various diseases?

To treat kidney stones pressure

Materials diperlukah are four young corn cobs,

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Overcome Kidney Stone

Herbal medicinal plants to cope with kidney disease there are many around us, easily available and very cheap price for Samsung, for example, are the leaves of breadfruit, coconut water. Coconut water contains minerals and electrolytes such as calcium, potassium to magnesium. This herb when getting old, the mineral content was much absorbed to harden the white coconut meat so that its effect is reduced. herbal treatment using coconut water has several benefits including: - Herbal remedies to overcome nausea and vomiting. - Coconut water to improve blood circulation. Coconut water can improve blood circulation and can cleanse the digestive tract. That is why coconut water is often used to neutralize toxins in the body. - Herbal medicine against the disease . Coconut water can make the immune system is better, but it also helps the body fight some types of viruses that cause disease. Coconut water can meet the body's need for vitamin C. - Herbal remedies for kidney stones. People with kidney stones, drink coconut water regularly will help children break up kidney stones and kidney stones ease out of the body. For people with kidney stones, coconut water is good for help the healing process, for the healthy recommended to drink coconut water regularly. The habit of drinking coconut water will help break up kidney stones and kidney stones ease out of the body. - Healing the urine tract disorders - herbal remedy for motion sickness can recover drinking coconut water that journey. Set the blood pressure . Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and potassium. Potassium can help the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac function. Those are some benefits of herbal medicinal plant young coconut, some herbs can even cure cancer, such as garlic can prevent cancer . Drugs - herbal medicine is all around us, provided we know way of gathering these plants into herbal medicine proper. Coconut water has benefits other than as mentioned above, also can destroy the disease with coconut water . Good info herbal medicines are beneficial.

Source : http://www.pilotfriend.com/aeromed/medical/images2/25.jpg

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“Anti Cancer :Nasopharynk, Chorio-Epithelioma and Choriocar-Cinoma”

Malay Gooseberry

Papaya leaf


1. Star Fruit Leaf ...... 1/4 grasps

2. Young Papaya Leaf ....1/2 sheet

3. Young Malay Gooseberry Leaf .....1/4 grasps

4. Red Spinach Leaf.......1/4 grasps

5. Carrot ........ 1 ons

6. Honey .... 1 tablespoon

7. Plain Water ... 1/2 glass

How To?

- All material is washed out cleanly

- Adds 1/2 matured water glasses

- Smooth finite grind

- Filteri All material

- Adds Honey 1 spoon

- Drinks this ingredient 1 times a day counted 1 glass
Red Spinach leaf

Source : http://how-herbal-do.blogspot.com/search/label/honey

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